
Pilot Permit


Flight Training:

SOLO - $240

per hour

plus GST

DUAL - $310

per hour

GST Exempt



$70 / hour

GST Exempt


Pilot Licence


Flight Training:

SOLO - $240

per hour

plus GST

DUAL - $310

per hour

GST Exempt



$70 / hour

GST Exempt


Pilot Licence


Flight Training:

SOLO - $240

per hour

GST Exempt

DUAL - $310

per hour

GST Exempt



$70 / hour

GST Exempt

All Dual, Commercial & Advanced Training Flights are GST & PST exempt!

All In-Person Instruction is GST & PST Exempt.

GST & PST applies to Recreational & Private Solo Flights,

Rentals, Tours, & Time-Building Flights




(Night VFR)

Flight Training:

SOLO - $240

per hour

GST Exempt

DUAL - $310

per hour

GST Exempt



$70 / hour

GST Exempt

Complex & Congested



Flight Training:

SOLO - $240

per hour

GST Exempt

DUAL - $310

per hour

GST Exempt



$70 / hour

GST Exempt




Flight Training:

SOLO - $240

per hour

GST Exempt

DUAL - $310

per hour

GST Exempt



$70 / hour

GST Exempt

Mountain Training



Flight Training:

SOLO - $240

per hour

GST Exempt

DUAL - $310

per hour

GST Exempt



$70 / hour

GST Exempt

All Dual, Commercial & Advanced Training Flights are GST & PST exempt!

All In-Person Instruction is GST & PST Exempt.

GST & PST applies to Recreational & Private Solo Flights,

Rentals, Tours, &b Time-Building Flights





Flight Training:

DUAL - $530

per hour

GST Exempt



$85 / hour

GST Exempt


Instrument Rating


Flight Training:

DUAL - $325

per hour

GST Exempt



$85 / hour

GST Exempt


Instrument Rating


Flight Training:

DUAL - $530

per hour

GST Exempt



$85 / hour

GST Exempt

Fight Instructor


(Class 4)

Flight Training:

DUAL - $310

per hour

GST Exempt



$85 / hour

GST Exempt

All Dual, Commercial & Advanced Training Flights are GST & PST exempt!

All In-Person Instruction is GST & PST Exempt.

GST & PST applies to Recreational & Private Solo Flights,

Rentals, Tours, & Time-Building Flights


Hourly Aircraft and Instructor rates are similar from flight school to flight school.

Your actual cost to complete a License or Rating will depend on your frequency of training, dedication to study and natural abilities and aptitudes.

Training more frequently will generally result in lower total costs to achieve a Licence or Rating, as pilot skills and knowledge are perishable over time. If the interval between training sessions is too low, the student will be spending time re-learning skills and knowledge, resulting a more time (and therefore more cost) to acquire the skills and knowledge required to qualify for the Licence or Rating.

Some flight schools will be quite happy to have your training take longer than the average, which generates more revenue for the flight school, but we focus on preparing you for your licence as quickly, efficiently and inexpensively as possible.

At Aurora Aviation Academy, we do NOT want to waste your time, energy or money on an inefficient training process. We will encourage you to training often, and to keep up with your studies, so that you get the most learning and skills development from your time with us.

Transport Canada requirements are minimum training requirements.

A Student Pilot may require additional instruction in order to meet the competency standards to achieve the desired License or Rating.

This is why we provide a "range" of costs for each Licence or Rating, which, at the low end, reflect the minimum Transport Canada required times, and, at the high end, reflect the National Average number of hours required to actually achieve the Licence or Rating.


Our Aircraft and Instruction rates are as follows:

  • Cessna 172 Hourly Rate with Fuel: $240 per hour (CAD)

  • Twin Comanche Hourly Rate with Fuel: $445 per hour (CAD)

  • BASIC Instructor Rate (Private & Recreational): $70 per hour plus GST

  • COMMERCIAL Instructor Rate: $70 per hour (GST exempt)

  • ADVANCED Instructor Rate: $85 per hour (GST exempt)

  • I

  • Private Pilot Ground School: $610 (Online Course and 12 Weeks Group Study)

  • Commercial Pilot Ground School: $795 (Online Course and 18 Weeks Group Study)

  • Instrument Ground School: $510 (Online Course and 12 Weeks Group Study)

  • Note: Ground schools are a facilitated online program with group study.

  • All programs are delivered in English.

  • Transport Canada Application and Examination fees vary from $35 for applications to $400 Flight Tests. These are paid by the student directly to Transport Canada or its Authorized Representative and are not included in the rates listed.


Payment for training is made in advance or at the termination of the flight, while ground school tuition is paid at the beginning of training. Credit Cards on file or Pre-Payment on account will be arranged prior to training beginning. Payment options include:

  • Credit Card (Credit Card Authorization Form required)

  • Cheque payable to Aurora Aviation Academy

Cancellation, attendance & no-show policies

Students are required to attend all scheduled activities, whether a full-time student or self-paced program. Situations may arise where a student is unable to attend a scheduled flight or ground school session, or in some cases a flight or ground school may be cancelled due to weather, maintenance or other unforeseen circumstances. Due to the scheduling challenges of Transport Canada approved flight test examiners, priority for flight bookings will be given to those students booking flight tests.

If a student is unable to attend a session, for any reason, with less than 24 hours notice, they may be subject to a minimum cancellation fee of $100. Aurora Aviation Academy will notify students as soon as possible if a flight must be cancelled. In some occasion (i.e. weather or maintenance), 24 hours may not be possible, however, staff will contact the student as early as possible to discuss possible rescheduling if conditions or maintenance will prevent a booking from being dispatched.

refund policy

A student may be entitled to a refund of fees paid upon receipt of written notification by the student that they are withdrawing from the program, or if Aurora Aviation Academy provides written notification that the student has been dismissed from the program. The written notice of withdrawal or dismissal may be delivered in any manner provided that a receipt or other verification is available that indicates the date on which the notice is delivered.

The refund to which a student is entitled is calculated and limited to all fees paid minus any costs incurred by Aurora Aviation Academy for training provided (i.e. online ground school or instructor fees for group study). Any deposit paid towards flight training which has not yet been conducted will be refunded in full. The student is required to pay all outstanding flight training costs, regardless of the reason for withdrawal or dismissal.

dismissal policy

Safety in flight training operations is paramount to Aurora Aviation Academy's policy on student conduct and dismissal. The following are grounds for the student suspension and/or dismissal:

  • violation of the Canadian Aviation Regulations;

  • violation of Aurora Aviation Academy's Flight Rules and Safety Precautions, as described during training;

  • mistreatment of Aurora Aviation Academy aircraft and equipment;

  • any other action, inaction, operation, procedure, behavior, or conduct by a student which, in the view of the Chief Flight Instructor or Manager, compromises safety in flight training operations.

In the event of suspension or dismissal, written notice will be provided to the student. Suspensions or dismissals are governed by Aurora Aviation Academy's Dispute Resolution and Refund policies. Students may be assessed a fee for failure to show for an aircraft booking. Students in violation of the Canadian Aviation Regulations, or Aurora Aviation Academy's Flight Rules and Safety Precautions are responsible for damages and injury that result from such violation.

dispute resolution policy

  • All disputes that are unresolved after an attempt at an informal resolution will be brought to the Flight Training Manager in writing (if a formal complaint is being made, written notification by the disputant is required).

  • The Flight Training Manager will gather information from all parties involved, including witnesses, within 72 hours of receiving the complaint and schedule a meeting with all parties to find a resolution.

  • If this process does not yield a satisfactory resolution, the Flight Training Manager will escalate the dispute to the Accountable Executive of the Flight School for review and final attempt to resolve the matter.

  • If the Accountable Executive is unable to resolve the dispute, then the matter will be referred for Mediation, with each party bearing their own costs for this process.

Aurora Aviation Academy’s policy regarding disputes begins with the assumption that individuals first attempt to resolve any issues informally between the parties involved. If attempts at informal resolution are unsuccessful, or if an individual is uncomfortable with informal procedures, the following procedures will be followed:

privacy policy

Aurora Aviation Academy collects students' personal information for the following purposes:

  • Compliance to Government agencies and policies, including but not limited to the Canadian Aviation Regulations, Transport Canada Personnel and Licensing, as required by the Provincial Career Training Branch for our Commercial Flight Training program, as required by the Canada Revenue Agency;

  • As required for internal billing, payment receipt and accounting requirements;

  • As required for the tracking and reporting of training hours.

  • I consent to the sharing, in accordance with applicable Provincial privacy legislation, of my enrolment and reporting information between this institution and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, as necessary, for the purposes of the International Student Program.

It is prohibited for Aurora Aviation Academy staff to release any private information related to students, renters or employees, except as required by a Government Agency.

Student files containing personal information are either safely stored in locking file cabinets or is scanned and electronically stored on a secure file system. Access to the student files is limited to the appropriate administrative staff, the Chief Flying Instructor, Management and line Flight and Ground Instructors.

When a student completes pilot training, the pilot training records are forwarded to Transport Canada for the purposes of issuing and processing pilot licenses and ratings. At the end of period approximately one-year, inactive student files are placed in "closed" storage for a further six years. At the end of the seven-year period, the full student file may be destroyed using a secure destruction method.

Students wishing to access the information in the student file must contact the Flight School Manager and access will be granted as requested.


These rates apply to "Rental" Flights & "Time-Building" Flights

Cessna 172


(Hourly Rate includes Fuel)

$240.00 / hour

Piper PA30

Twin Comanche

(Hourly Rate includes Fuel)

$445.00 / hour


Our Aircraft and Instruction rates are as follows:

  • Cessna 172 Hourly Rate with Fuel: $280 per hour (CAD)

  • Twin Comanche Hourly Rate with Fuel: $445 per hour (CAD)

  • BASIC Instructor Rate (Private & Recreational): $70 per hour plus GST

  • COMMERCIAL Instructor Rate: $70 per hour (GST exempt)

  • ADVANCED Instructor Rate: $85 per hour (GST exempt)

  • I

  • Private Pilot Ground School: $610 (Online Course and 12 Weeks Group Study)

  • Commercial Pilot Ground School: $795 (Online Course and 18 Weeks Group Study)

  • Instrument Ground School: $510 (Online Course and 12 Weeks Group Study)

  • Note: Ground schools are a facilitated online program with group study.

  • All programs are delivered in English.

  • Transport Canada Application and Examination fees vary from $35 for applications to $400 Flight Tests. These are paid by the student directly to Transport Canada or its Authorized Representative and are not included in the rates listed.


Payment for training is made in advance or at the termination of the flight, while ground school tuition is paid at the beginning of training. Credit Cards on file or Pre-Payment on account will be arranged prior to training beginning. Payment options include:

  • Credit Card (Credit Card Authorization Form required)

  • Cheque payable to Aurora Aviation Academy

Cancellation, attendance & no-show policies

Students are required to attend all scheduled activities, whether a full-time student or self-paced program. Situations may arise where a student is unable to attend a scheduled flight or ground school session, or in some cases a flight or ground school may be cancelled due to weather, maintenance or other unforeseen circumstances. Due to the scheduling challenges of Transport Canada approved flight test examiners, priority for flight bookings will be given to those students booking flight tests.

If a student is unable to attend a session, for any reason, with less than 24 hours notice, they may be subject to a minimum cancellation fee of $100. Aurora Aviation Academy will notify students as soon as possible if a flight must be cancelled. In some occasion (i.e. weather or maintenance), 24 hours may not be possible, however, staff will contact the student as early as possible to discuss possible rescheduling if conditions or maintenance will prevent a booking from being dispatched.

refund policy

A student may be entitled to a refund of fees paid upon receipt of written notification by the student that they are withdrawing from the program, or if Aurora Aviation Academy provides written notification that the student has been dismissed from the program. The written notice of withdrawal or dismissal may be delivered in any manner provided that a receipt or other verification is available that indicates the date on which the notice is delivered.

The refund to which a student is entitled is calculated and limited to all fees paid minus any costs incurred by Aurora Aviation Academy for training provided (i.e. online ground school or instructor fees for group study). Any deposit paid towards flight training which has not yet been conducted will be refunded in full. The student is required to pay all outstanding flight training costs, regardless of the reason for withdrawal or dismissal.

dismissal policy

Safety in flight training operations is paramount to Aurora Aviation Academy's policy on student conduct and dismissal. The following are grounds for the student suspension and/or dismissal:

  • violation of the Canadian Aviation Regulations;

  • violation of Aurora Aviation Academy's Flight Rules and Safety Precautions, as described during training;

  • mistreatment of Aurora Aviation Academy aircraft and equipment;

  • any other action, inaction, operation, procedure, behavior, or conduct by a student which, in the view of the Chief Flight Instructor or Manager, compromises safety in flight training operations.

In the event of suspension or dismissal, written notice will be provided to the student. Suspensions or dismissals are governed by Aurora Aviation Academy's Dispute Resolution and Refund policies. Students may be assessed a fee for failure to show for an aircraft booking. Students in violation of the Canadian Aviation Regulations, or Aurora Aviation Academy's Flight Rules and Safety Precautions are responsible for damages and injury that result from such violation.

dispute resolution policy

  • All disputes that are unresolved after an attempt at an informal resolution will be brought to the Flight Training Manager in writing (if a formal complaint is being made, written notification by the disputant is required).

  • The Flight Training Manager will gather information from all parties involved, including witnesses, within 72 hours of receiving the complaint and schedule a meeting with all parties to find a resolution.

  • If this process does not yield a satisfactory resolution, the Flight Training Manager will escalate the dispute to the Accountable Executive of the Flight School for review and final attempt to resolve the matter.

  • If the Accountable Executive is unable to resolve the dispute, then the matter will be referred for Mediation, with each party bearing their own costs for this process.

Aurora Aviation Academy’s policy regarding disputes begins with the assumption that individuals first attempt to resolve any issues informally between the parties involved. If attempts at informal resolution are unsuccessful, or if an individual is uncomfortable with informal procedures, the following procedures will be followed:

privacy policy

Aurora Aviation Academy collects students' personal information for the following purposes:

  • Compliance to Government agencies and policies, including but not limited to the Canadian Aviation Regulations, Transport Canada Personnel and Licensing, as required by the Provincial Career Training Branch for our Commercial Flight Training program, as required by the Canada Revenue Agency;

  • As required for internal billing, payment receipt and accounting requirements;

  • As required for the tracking and reporting of training hours.

  • I consent to the sharing, in accordance with applicable Provincial privacy legislation, of my enrolment and reporting information between this institution and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, as necessary, for the purposes of the International Student Program.

It is prohibited for Aurora Aviation Academy staff to release any private information related to students, renters or employees, except as required by a Government Agency.

Student files containing personal information are either safely stored in locking file cabinets or is scanned and electronically stored on a secure file system. Access to the student files is limited to the appropriate administrative staff, the Chief Flying Instructor, Management and line Flight and Ground Instructors.

When a student completes pilot training, the pilot training records are forwarded to Transport Canada for the purposes of issuing and processing pilot licenses and ratings. At the end of period approximately one-year, inactive student files are placed in "closed" storage for a further six years. At the end of the seven-year period, the full student file may be destroyed using a secure destruction method.

Students wishing to access the information in the student file must contact the Flight School Manager and access will be granted as requested.

Contact Information

Email us at:

Mail us at:

6200 Tronson Road

Vernon, BC, Canada, V1H 1N5

Call us at:

Follow us on Social Media

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